Professional Treasure Hunter’s Historical Society 32st Best O’ North East Treasure Hunter’s Week APR. 23 – 27, 2025
recommend Best Western Plus & Tempesta, & for BONE deal must call 1-603-357-3038.
limited & settlement sites in Marlborough, & Harrisville NH & Swanzey (fields & forests.)
Invited Minelab Metal Detectors, Garrett Metal Detectors, American Digger & Allyson, & Brad Martin the Green Mountain Treasure Hunter.
BONE does a yearly convention & donates metal detectors to libraries, St Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Wounded Warriors, Free Homes for Vets & Toys for Tots
Daily sign-in Weekdays 7:30am, Justin’s Saturday 7:30 & Sunday 9:30am
- Name badges I.D. required at all events.
- Only Hunters who registered with an email address are sent site maps!
- You can register here.
Wednesday : AMERICAN DIGGER DAY with Allyson, Detector Pro Carter & Green Mountain Treasure Hunter Brad Martin
Natural hunt, meet 7:30am for 9am-5 pm natural hunt with free hotdog lunch. ($125 day)
Natural hunt meet 7:30am for 9am-5 pm natural hunt with hotdog lunch & Roast Pork banquet at 5pm. Roast Pork banquet followed by speaker. ($125 day)
Friday MINELAB DAY a fun day with games & prizes
Natural hunt meet 7:30am for 9am-5 pm natural hunt with free hotdog lunch ($125. DAY)
Saturday : Justin’s DAY w’ GARRETT & MINELAB
($125 SATURDAY ) Meal included with package, 9am – 12pm hunt with prizes for best finds. Afternoon lunch, gold prospecting with Minelab metal detectors & a gold panning contest, maybe pod casts & workshops. Saturday Night Hall of Fame Awards Banquet, 5:00 pm SOCIAL & 6:30:pm banquet at Best Western Plus If having more people with you for dinner please purchase $50 meal ticket.
Sunday : $5,000+ Seeded Hunt
($125 Sunday Meet at site for conversation before one hunt @ 11:00am, buried are 1000+ old coins, INCLUDING Reales & 5 tokens for metal detectors & 5 for neat & worthy prizes.
Following awards of hunt prize is Charity raffle drawing for 2 Minelabs or $1000.00
Place: 88 Meadow Rd, Harrisville, NH
lunches are included in DAILY PRICE, & Banquet extra PLEASE confirm you are eating with us or not,. If bringing extra people for food then, you must order an extra meal ticket.
- No pulse detectors allowed (too much interference).
- Be courteous and use headphones when other hunters are around.
- TAG ALONGS $25, MUST REGISTER & WEAR certified bone I.D.
- Anyone hunting OR in other than designated areas will be BANISHED!
- Anyone leaving a mess will be asked to CORRECT IT & may not be eligible for future BONE events.
If you need any further information contact either George Streeter shop phone(603)876-4443 OR Justin Jones 603-313-1177 -